Hello, everyone! I'm all for simple crafts! And I LOVE when craft stores have simple, ready - to - go kits for kids! A lot of times everything is included! It's WONDERFUL! Jax is a high energy kid and we use our craft time together as a time to wind down and "chill out" before we start our bedtime routine. Because we often craft near the end of the day it is super convenient to be able to find a craft kit that makes my life easy!
We stopped at Hobby Lobby a week or so ago and found the cutest little foam turkey kit! The kit came with everything! The foam turkey bodies, the feathers, the little eyes...even glue dots to adhere everything together! The glue dots proved difficult for Jax (they just stuck to his fingers! Haha!!), so we used glue instead! He loved putting the feathers and eyes on! And the hats! He got a good giggle out of the hats!
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